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Showing posts from September 3, 2023

the importance of fitness

 Exercise is one of the most critical things that we can do to have a healthy lifestyle. And, uh, luckily, there are all kinds that we can choose from. There's aerobic exercise, jogging, uh, brisk walking, jazzer size classes, that type of thing. Uh, we've got weight resistance, uh, we've got stretching. So there are a lot of things that you can choose from to have exercise be part of your daily life. But the most important thing about exercise is regularity . And if you wish to be regular with your exercise, which is where the efficacy comes in, then I'd suggest to you two things. The first is to keep a record of what your exercise is. Just take your calendar and block out when you want to exercise. On my calendar, it says, Appointment with Mr. Nike. That's how I know that that's the time that I'm going to exercise.  And then when I do exercise, I record it on that calendar. Because when we try to keep it in our heads, we give ourselves way too much credit

Best Time of Day To Eat, Sleep And Exercise According To Ayurveda | Plan Your Dailly Routine

 The Ayurvedic concept of dincharya which is a daily routine tells uh us how we should be doing different types of activities in a day like eating, sleeping, exercising, etc. Following this discipline helps us to bring balance into our fAT pitta, uh, and cup dosha. This routine helps us to stay connected with our stadium cycle of day and night rhythm. Now, let's understand this concept of dincharya or daily routine. The first phase of the day, which is 06:00 A.m. To 10:00 A.m. Is the cup phase of the morning. Try to rise up from your bed before sunrise. First, detox your digestive system by drinking warm water the moment you wake up.  This will make it easier to completely empty your colon or bladder. Next, clean your mouth and wash your eyes. Then practice Surya namaskar or varieties of asanas, walking, etc. This is the best time of your day to energize your system with the help of exercise. It removes sluggishness, activates digestive fire, burns fat, and promotes uh the feeling

Run for your life! At a comfortable pace, and not too far

 I was an exercise enthusiast. I've exercised, I'll bet, uh, pretty much every day of my life. It I had two grandfathers who were alcoholics. But for me, my way of coping with life is exercise. When I'm nervous or anxious or tired or happy or sad or whatever, I exercise if I have the time, and sometimes even when I don't. You might have seen me in an airport waiting for a flight, running up the down escalator with my backpack on to kill 20 minutes. But I, uh, always thought that exercise was the best thing for my heart. And I think it's how I decided at age 15 I wanted to be a cardiologist, actually. But now that I'm 56 and a lot of decades have gone by, I've started to have a few warning signs from my heart.  A couple of years ago I noticed this and I got on a mission. I'm a research cardiologist and I have a research fellow and he and I have been working on this for the past couple of years. And with the help of some of the brightest cardiologists from

What did you do on your first date?

 How would you feel if I were to tell you that nutrition science has come such a long way that in my hand I have some pretty special pills? You're never going to have to eat again. You won't be eating any meals. All you need to do is take one of these pills, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of your life. And it's going to give you the perfect balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat. It's going to give you the number of calories or kilojoules that you need to stay at exactly the perfect weight for your body. It's going to give you all of the antioxidants.  And what we call phytochemicals just means plant nutrients. Plant chemicals that are good for us all in these amazing little pills. Isn't science amazing? How do you feel? Boo. Um, that's what I was hoping for. I hope you're feeling good, that would be awful. How disappointing. I hope some memories are coming into your mind right now. They certainly are. In mine. I remember my mom's a

How often do you train per week?

Thank you for your reading and thank you for being here. Uh, so guys, today  I will be talking about some of the question I received from my social media followers as I asked on Instagram, um, the other day. Um, anyone can ask any question, and I did receive a few questions, most of them fitness-related. So I'm going to cover some of those questions today and explain my answers. So, yeah, I encourage you guys to be involved, to stay connected, share, uh, with other friends that might find some of these contents very important. So I won't take your time. We're going to dig in. And the first question was,  How often do you train per week?  Um, currently with my busy schedule, I'm only, uh, training five times a week and I'm doing one and a half hours. So what I'm doing is half an hour in the morning or before I train, I do half an hour of cardio, which sometimes doesn't work well, but I still try to include cardio in my workout, so I do warm up for half an hou

The importance of health and fitness

You know, so many people kick off the new year wanting to get healthy, wanting to get in shape. Let's talk about the value of that.  A lot of people think they really understand, but physical fitness, that health, it is so important for longevity of life. Talk about that. Absolutely. So obviously, everybody wants to be in shape. And, uh, the new year is a great way to kind of kick-off that health and wellness for yourself. Uh, really, at the end of the day, it's about just consistent movement, uh, trying to be consistent, find the things that you enjoy doing, and do those often. Um, this is a great opportunity to kind of join, uh, some five K's that are coming up.  Uh, get into a good routine fitness program. Um, consistency is the key to all of it, in my opinion. And then proper progression. A lot of people want those results right away. Uh, and so they go too hard, too fast, and then come February, March, time frame, they've already fizzled out. So my advice to most i

The importance of exercise

Exercise is one of the most critical things that we can do to have a healthy lifestyle. And, uh, luckily, there are all kinds that we can choose from. There's aerobic exercise, jogging, uh, brisk walking, uh, jazzer size classes, that type of thing. Uh, we've got weight resistance, uh, we've got stretching. So there are a lot of things that you can choose from to have exercise be part of your daily life. But the most important thing about exercise is regularity. And if you wish to be regular with your exercise, which is where the efficacy comes in, then I'd suggest to you two things.  The first is to keep a record of what your exercise is. Just take your calendar and block out when you want to exercise. On my calendar, it says, Appointment with Mr. Nike. That's how I know that that's the time that I'm going to exercise. And then when I do exercise, I record it on that calendar. Because when we try to keep it in our heads, we give ourselves way too much credi