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Showing posts from August 27, 2023

Can guys and girls do the same workout?

Can guys and girls do the same workout?  Was this from you, Brian? No, not at all. Sure? I didn't see it there. I saw it in one of your polls. It was like in a comment. You probably didn't see that one. I pulled it straight from your comments. Got it. Even though you don't have the password to that. Okay, understood. Um.  so should guys and girls do the same workouts?  The short answer is yes, they can. I know I've seen couples where they think that they can't do the same workout that their boyfriend is doing and vice versa. But really, you can do the same type of workout if you have the same goal. Uh, so if both of your goals are to build muscle, then there's nothing wrong with maybe both of you doing the chest press or, uh, squats or lunges. Um, where you would really differ, though, between men and women is men are, um, physiologically stronger and bigger than women generally. Uh, and women are a bit smaller, and guys have more testosterone, so they're go

The Mistake People Make With Fitness

 This is a profound change in quality of life, and a lot of it has to do with a loss of this type of strength. I don't have a fraction of the explosive power I had at 25. Once you lose explosive strength, you start to lose overall strength. And once you lose that, you're going to start to lose muscle size is the very last thing. Like, what's the single most important exercise you could do if you could only do one? What did you clue as a consequence of going through the literature with regards to, say, uh, weightlifting rather than cardiovascular exercise? No metric is more highly associated with living a long life.  Just this is purely based on length of life. There's no metric anywhere in the medical literature that's more highly correlated with this than having a high v o two max. Vo two max is a measure of your peak cardiorespiratory fitness. However, the second most highly correlated metric of length of life is a composite metric of strength and muscle mass. So,

Health, Fitness and Happiness & rules to give you all 3.

 You. All right, everybody a couple things I need you to do before I start my talk. Number one, if you still have your pad of paper and pen, you have the next 10 seconds to write down one word. And that word is how you feel right now. 8765. Uh, I'll give you a few more seconds. Don't think about it. Just write it down. How do you feel right now? Everybody got it written down? Happiness. Sadness. Glorified. All right, now, number two, I want you to stand up. We're going to move because I do that fitness thing, you know, so make some room.  Now, what we're going to do is we're going to split this room in half, right down the middle. The folks in the middle are going to have to choose one of two words. This side. Live. That side? Life. Are you ready? When I point to your side, you have to call out your words nicely and loudly. Was that loud enough? Live. Now start hopping. Start hopping, huh? You know, if you can't hop, if that's physically hard for you, don

Healthy brain happy life

  Did you realize when you came here today that you were going to get a master's class in neuroscience?  Uh, well, that's what's going to happen. Because, day, I'm going to tell you a story about when I added something to my life. When I added something that took precious time away from all the other things I was doing, it actually gave me more time, more energy, and more productivity. And that thing that I added was aerobic exercise. I'm going to tell you how that worked in my life, my own personal story, and I'm also going to tell you about the neuroscience underlying it.  And in addition, I don't want to just tell you about it. I want to show you. I want to show you. And I have Ray Duck, and I am an amazing drummer here to help me. And so I'm going to ask you all to stand up, please. Okay. Go ahead, Ray. Okay, we need to move a little bit, right? Just do a few moves. Just shake it out a little bit. 4321. Let's go. Right, left, right, left. Push it