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Showing posts from September 10, 2023

Vitamin D Health Benefits - Health and Fitness Advise

Let's uncover the health benefits of vitamin D. It makes feel you happy, feel depressed. And it helps regulate how much calcium phosphate and other ingredients you have in your body. Vitamin D also helps your bones, teeth, and muscles stay healthy. Not to mention that without vitamin D, we're unable to stay healthy and free of disease.  So in this article, we shall try to reveal why vitamin D can be used for just about anything in your body and why you should be trying to use some of it and some of its health benefits before it's too late. The suicide rate in countries that have less access to sunlight is considerably higher than in tropical countries. Scientists attribute this pattern to vitamin D. Sunlight is the first and most important source that we have for vitamin D in the human body. And it has effects more than you imagine. Our skin can produce what it needs to keep us healthy.  Believe it or not, 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight exposure, just about is enough to chang

Exercise, Stress, and the Brain

 Exercise is interesting in terms of its effects on the brain because it works in about four or five different ways. Uh, one of the most obvious ways is blood flow. And so if you, uh, get your heart working, your brain's going to be filled with oxygen-rich blood and nutrients. So that's the main way that we thought it would help. The other way that's sort of interesting, uh, is it's been thought that exercise produces, uh, new neurons.  And so exercise induces the production of growth factors, one called BDNF, and it actually stimulates the production of new brain cells. Now, when I was in school 20 years ago, we were told, you can't get any new brain cells. So when you're born, that's your lot. You're not going to make any more. But more recently, we found that exercise, uh, is a really good way of stimulating brain cell production. And some of these are functional.  And so, um, just this notion that something that you can do can generate new brain cell

What Exercise Does To Your Brain

 We all know that exercise is good for your body and your brain. But why? In fact, exercise decreases depression and anxiety.  How and what kind of exercise does that?  That's what I'm talking about today. I'm um, Dr. Tracy Marks, a psychiatrist and I make mental health education videos. You've probably heard the term runners high which describes a phenomenon where after intense aerobic exercise, like running, you can experience this euphoric feeling and sense of well-being. For years it was hypothesized that this was due to the release of endorphins which is your body's natural opiate. Well, it turns out the runner's high really isn't that common among runners. But anyone can experience a relaxed feeling after moderately intense exercise, not from endorphins, but from endocannabinoids. Let me explain.  You do get endorphin release with exercise that serves the purpose of lessening pain perception during and after intense activity. But those endorphins don&#

The Evolution Of Health & Fitness

 Food companies commit one of the biggest sins in the world today. See this? This is marketed as a health drink. But you want to know something? Read the ingredient. This is 40% pure sugar. So we live in this lie. First, food companies are lying to us by getting us hooked on substances filled with sugar and other things that actually cause our body to age and put on weight.  And we are told that this is healthy. Second, late night infomercials lie to us by saying the solution to getting in shape is to exercise, exercise, exercise. Yet studies show that 95% of your body shape has to do with what you eat and not how you work out.  This is where Wildfit comes in. Wildfit is a way to completely reshape your body by reconditioning your mind, to understand the brainwashing that we go through, to reverse that, to understand hunger, and to be able to make conscious decisions on what you eat so that it becomes effortless to stay in shape. Join us in this masterclass as I bring you the creator o