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Can guys and girls do the same workout?

Can guys and girls do the same workout? 

Was this from you, Brian? No, not at all. Sure? I didn't see it there. I saw it in one of your polls. It was like in a comment. You probably didn't see that one. I pulled it straight from your comments. Got it. Even though you don't have the password to that. Okay, understood. Um. 

so should guys and girls do the same workouts? 

The short answer is yes, they can. I know I've seen couples where they think that they can't do the same workout that their boyfriend is doing and vice versa. But really, you can do the same type of workout if you have the same goal. Uh, so if both of your goals are to build muscle, then there's nothing wrong with maybe both of you doing the chest press or, uh, squats or lunges. Um, where you would really differ, though, between men and women is men are, um, physiologically stronger and bigger than women generally. Uh, and women are a bit smaller, and guys have more testosterone, so they're going to be able to actually lift more weights and heavier weights, and then women are going to be, uh, a little bit less than that. Now, let me give you an example. If a guy and girl work out and the boyfriend and girlfriend, or whatever it is, and you guys are both doing chest press, he can go for ten to twelve reps, but then maybe he's pushing, like, 100 pounds. Now, for you, you can also go ten to twelve reps, but maybe you're only pushing 40 pounds. Right? Usually, women, are a little bit less strong on their upper body and strong on their lower body, and vice versa for men. So, um, you might be able to get higher with the legs part if you're both doing squats. But for the upper body, all you would be changing is really just the weight. So, girls, it's okay. Go with your boyfriend. Do the same workout if you want to. And if anything, you're probably going to get a really good benefit from it. Okay. I hope that answered your question. Um, what would be question number two Bry? That's a follow-up to question number one. Should we wear the same thing to the same I definitely would be an advocate for wearing the same clothes. I would love to see Bry in an Oh, yeah. Give me, like, six to eight weeks, right? That's the minimum. Six to eight weeks. And then you get right into those bad boys. Yeah. Make sure you show a little booty. Little booty. The booty cleavage. All right. I love that question. Love it. Booty cleavage. Okay, got it. Uh, man, booty cleavage. I don't know. We'll see. The thing is, it is a thing so bad, I don't want to see that. You guys go with the men's booty cleavage. Uh, bring it. Yeah. 

Why do girls always show it? 

Why can't guys we live in a world where come on, man, we could do whatever. We equality. Boy yeah. All right. Okay. Booty cleavage for men. That's a new trend coming in 2020. Yeah, they got crop tops. Now get ready, men. We're going to take over. We're taking over. All right. Speaking of booty, are booty workouts only for females? That's a question for females.

 What do you think? Are booty workouts only for females, or do you think they should only be for females?

 I feel like obviously you're not interested in the booty, uh, cleavage. Yeah, I mean, I think that maybe it'll help me sit better if I have a strong bottom. So you tell me, what do you think booty workouts are? They are only for females, I think. Obviously, it's not only for females. Obviously, we all have a booty for a reason, right? And it's to help us squat and walk and do daily living things. So, yes, even though we don't see many men working on their legs, some people, um, they really should, because we cannot keep saying that the booty exercises and the hip thrusts and stuff like that are only for girls. It is for men, too, because we both have the same makeup. We all have arms and legs and abdomen, so there's no reason that men shouldn't also do it. Um, I actually praise men that I see at the gym. Go and do those barbell hip thrusts. It's really good. Another reason

 Why do we always want to develop the booty is not only because it looks nice, right? 

We can all agree it looks nice, but it really helps us with daily living things that we're doing. Squatting down and picking something up, uh, bending over, all of these things that we need to do. And also, it actually relieves a lot of back stress. So if we use our glutes properly and we develop them and they grow, it takes a lot of pressure off of back problems for people. And it could even prevent future back problems for people. And I do know that at least 65% of the population in the US. Have some sort of back problems. So making it a number one rule in your workout plan to have at least one or two leg and booty exercises can really benefit you for the long term. So, men, go and get those barbell hip thrusts. I believe in you. All right, so I guess we should just stop, uh, thinking change the mindset. Right. Jazz instead of saying, wow, that person has a nice booty, if they have a nice booty, we should start saying, wow, they have a strong back. Right? They have a very strong back. And I bet you that they could walk for a very long time, too, because that's what helps taste on the Chiropractic bill. Tastes on the chiropractic bill. Exactly. All right, question number three. Should I work out the same as I did? Okay. A friend of mine just turned 40, and, uh, he was asking and wondering if he worked out a certain way in his thirties and his 20s. 

Can he take that same routine and do it in his 40s now? Okay, what kind of workouts was he doing in his 30s? 

Brian likes cardio. There was a lot of, uh, weights. I don't know the specifics of this friend's workout regimen, but let's just say there was a lot of cardio because my friend was into running and there was a lot of, uh, squats, there was a lot of biceps because guys like that stuff. Arm workouts. Arm workouts for guys, yeah. And also some leg workouts because, uh, my friend wanted to do good in running. So, um,

 What would you recommend? 

40-year-old, 40 plus men? Is it the same as Should you work out a 30-year-old or 30-year-old regimen? Okay, well, I definitely believe that as a whole, you should always be doing well, no matter how old you are. Be doing strength training even as early as teen years or, uh, when kids are in middle school, ten, 1112-year-olds, um, they should already start lifting weights, and that should be throughout thirty s. Forty s, fifty s, and beyond. So, yes, um, a 40-year-old still doing their 30-year-old type of workouts. Now, the intensity might be different, but the types of workouts that they're doing running, uh, maybe cardio, lifting weights that can stay the same. But as you get older, you might have to dial back a little bit with how much you're lifting right. Or how much cardio you're doing. Uh, and that really depends on a lot of sort of factors. Like, are there any impending health, uh, complications with this person?

Are they having any joint problems, or back problems, like we discussed earlier? Um, do they have enough time for it because they're older now? 

Maybe making more money now, maybe more busy kids are getting older, right. So we just have to find out how it's going to fit into that individual's life. But, um, basically the same stuff. It's just when are you going to plug it into your life, your daily life, and then how are you going to prioritize it.

 how long are you going to work out and how heavy are you going to be going? 

So maybe in your 30s, you were squatting. Twelve reps. Twelve to 15 reps, 120 pounds. Maybe in your 40s, you're feeling a little bit more lethargic, and tired. You have a lot going on, more responsibilities, and life is just hitting you. So maybe you're only working out maybe 30, 40 minutes now, but you're still doing those squats, but you're hitting it to where maybe you're at 100 pounds now instead of 120 pounds. But the important factor here is that we're still doing it. We're still watching where we're eating, and we're still being consistent. So, all things being the same, you just have to kind of maneuver to where you're at the point in time in your life. Okay, I have a cool question that someone else asked in a forum a long time ago. If you had to choose one, and you could only choose one jasmine, in your health, like, life goals, would you choose diet or would you choose exercise? Wow, that is such a good one. Back then, I really used to think it was all about exercise. But as I've been learning more and more research about diet and exercise, it really 80% of it comes down to diet and not diet in terms of restricting yourself in eating? Absolutely. 100% natural, good foods all the time. That's not even what I mean. What I mean is the lifestyle of your eating habits, let's remove the word diet because diet has such, like, a negative connotation coming with it. And let's instead replace that word with, uh, the nutrition that we're taking in every day. Our lifestyle nutrition. Right. It significantly impacts, um, how we perform in the gym. So I would say that nutrition, or our eating habits, is number one, and then what we do in the gym is second. Thank you for answering all of my friend's questions. I swear, this guy I thought this was from oh, yeah, IG too IG questions, friend questions. Brian's own questions that he slipped in there probably maybe.

 Does that wrap it up for today, Brian? 

We'll save the rest for the next podcast. Yeah, that's about it. All right, thank you guys again for tuning in. Thank you for asking these questions on my IG poll, I hope that you guys do add me at Jazzy Wednesday, and I, um, hope to be answering more of your questions in the future. Until next time, we will see you then. Stay strong, friends. Wait. Strong friends. I forgot. Remember to sign up for the newsletter so you can get your daily intake of fitness, uh, tips and nutritional tips from me.



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