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How often do you train per week?

Thank you for your reading and thank you for being here. Uh, so guys, today  I will be talking about some of the question I received from my social media followers as I asked on Instagram, um, the other day. Um, anyone can ask any question, and I did receive a few questions, most of them fitness-related. So I'm going to cover some of those questions today and explain my answers. So, yeah, I encourage you guys to be involved, to stay connected, share, uh, with other friends that might find some of these contents very important. So I won't take your time. We're going to dig in. And the first question was, 

How often do you train per week? 

Um, currently with my busy schedule, I'm only, uh, training five times a week and I'm doing one and a half hours. So what I'm doing is half an hour in the morning or before I train, I do half an hour of cardio, which sometimes doesn't work well, but I still try to include cardio in my workout, so I do warm up for half an hour doing cardio. Uh, another question was like, 

Will you ever step back on stage to compete? 

Um, you never say no. Uh, but, um, at this time, I'm, um, not really, um, thinking about competing. I just want to stay healthy and have a normal physique. Plus, I'm enjoying food too much, I think. When I competed three, uh, years ago, um, it was a good experience. Uh, for those who don't know, I did compete in 2018, and I did place second in my first time in a few divisions. Um, I placed second. And that was a natural bodybuilding competition. So I did enjoy the experience and the discipline and all the, uh, just to push myself, my limit, um, and to stay disciplined. I enjoyed that side of it, but I don't think I enjoyed, uh, um, the side where I had to be judged and compare myself with other guys. So that side I didn't like. Never say never, but right now, I'm not looking into competing again. I, um, enjoy food too much. Plus, I don't like wasting food. So when my kids don't eat their food, I always find myself eating their food. So I can't really stick to my nutrition or my diet plan as when I was doing my competition. Because back then, I had no children, it was just my wife and I. So was really easy to stick to my nutrition. Uh, but now, I mean, it's not an excuse, but I just enjoy having family time and eating whatever is leftover, and yeah, so the answer is, I don't know if I will ever compete, but I, uh, love the discipline that comes with prepping for competition. The number three question was, like, 

How long did it take you to see the results of your workout? 

So, guys, this one is individual. Uh, everyone's body and genes, uh, are different. Uh, but as for me, I was very skinny when I started. I was 50 kilos. Um, I used to do long-distance running. Um, for me it did take a while because I always think like um, uh, lifting weight, I was going to be really huge and uh, looking all this freaky. So when I started going to the gym, I was doing a lot of cardio even though I was skinny. So I never really saw the result. And that's when I started to include a lot of resistance training in my workout. So I encourage you, if you want to gain muscle, you need to make sure you lift weight. You won't get muesli overnight. But you need to be friends with weightlifting. You need to watch your protein intake. You need to have a balanced diet. So you need to eat things that, uh, you enjoy. Don't just go because you read this diet works and you go for it. Make sure you have a diet that works for you and it's enjoyable because if you don't enjoy it, you won't stay on that diet. So if you are a skinny person starting uh, lifting weight, all I can say is enjoy the process. Um, be patient with yourself. And especially if you're doing it naturally, it takes a while, so make sure you take your time, be patient, train hard, um, ask for tips. So there will be more tips and more texts coming up. I encourage you to subscribe. It doesn't cost you anything. You'll get more tips and more um, uh, advice on training. And if you are overweight um, and you want to lose weight, make sure you start with um, cardio. Jus Thet the first step you can take is to walk into the gym and feel that atmosphere. Uh, and if you're overweight, don't bother with your diet. Checking, tracking, eating clean, all these things might be overwhelming because you are first stepping into a gym where there are so many people who look differently. So the first two, or three weeks, just focus on you going to the gym. Two to three days. Start slowly until you feel comfortable and go into it, um, as ah, more often as you want. Once you start to enjoy it and once you start to see results. But once you get to that comfort of walking in the gym, then you need to check your diet. You need to check your nutrition. Question number three,

 What's the secret to losing weight and having six packs? 

To be honest, there's no magic pill, there's no secret. All I can say is you need to watch your diet because to have lower body fat, everyone has ah, got six packs. But if you have higher body fat, it won't show off. So you need to have diets that, uh, you are enjoying it, but at the same time, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Basically, it means you need to eat less than what you're burning. So if you know you are working out, you're going on a treadmill, you burning, you're sweating, just watch. When you go home, you don't waste all that hard work on a cheeseburger. You, uh, don't waste that into chocolate because they all have high calorie, uh, and high sugar, uh, contents. So you want to go and prioritize your protein. If you want to see six packs, you want to eat, uh, balanced diet. But you need to prioritize your protein because it will help you with your muscle recovery and it will help you with your muscle growth. So the more muscle tone you've got on, the more definition you're going to show and the more less body fat is going to show on your body. So, yeah, make sure you cook at home, do your meal prep, and once you feel comfortable, start tracking your meals. So when you do your meal prep, make sure you measure everything. But that one can be stressful for people who are just starting. So I encourage the beginners, uh, to just focus on eating a balanced diet and trying to eat less than what you, um, trying to be in a calorie deficit. If you want to lose weight and see your six-pack, question number five,

 Can I use fat burner supplements to lose weight? 

I use supplements myself. I only take pre-workout and whey protein. I don't advocate for supplements because they're expensive and also sometimes I feel like they don't work. Like, For me, if I drink coffee, I still get the same pump as if I'm taking this. So again, different people have different opinions. Some people are sponsored by these supplements, so they really advocate for it, or it's their business, they advocate for it. But you can still train without this supplement. And for me, as a fat burner, um, I don't take a fat burner, so I don't really think it works. All I can say is you need to focus on your diet even though you are taking those fat burners. Um, yeah, so far be patient. My people train hard. Ask for advice, ask for tips. For some people who have, um, this knowledge, make sure you ask and make sure you communicate with other people. So thank you so much for reading this text.

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How often do you train per week?


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