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I do want to give you guys a free gift from my heart to yours that I know will be of quality to your life that will help you out. So if you want that free gift, make sure you stay until the end of this text to where you can get your free gift from me to you. You guys, listen, we know you cannot spot reduced fat. yada. We have heard that. But just by right, I do want to go into detail about that.

 If you guys know the basics of losing belly fat and you don't want to hear the basics, which is very helpful. This is very helpful. You might want to listen. But if you want to speed straight through to the workouts that I did to lose weight and see the workouts, go ahead and hit fast forward the video to this number right here. But I encourage you to stay and listen to the basics. All right? So you can't take a part on your forearm or somewhere on your body and say, " I want to spot reduce this fat.

 I'm about to hit this fat. Or this arm fat right here. I'm about to work out and get that. No, unfortunately, the body doesn't work like that. And we will look really crazy if we could spot reduce fat on our bodies.
There is a but, though. There is a but if you want to learn how to get into a calorie deficit, because you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose any weight on your body at all, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because that's just mad, crazy talk, okay? If you want to learn how to get into a calorie deficit, click this video right here after you finish this text. And if you want to learn how to count calories and look at the labels and read the calories so you won't fall into that trick that companies try to have you fall into to stay fat, hit text right here once you're done reading this text, okay? So we can't spot reduce fat. We know that. Right? But what we can do is help speed the process of weight loss in the area that we want to lose weight in. Wear a sweatband of some sort. That's what I did. And I noticed a humongous difference. 

By the time I was done with my workouts, sweat was falling off of that sweatband. So I'm telling you guys, just throw on a sweatband. That's a simple step that you probably don't hear nobody else talking about. But that's really helpful. I know for sure it's helpful. I did my research, okay? And I did it, and my back went from boom to boom in a month. You can't tell me anything. All right? Another thing is that once you guys watch my other texts and learn the tips for counting calories and start losing weight from counting your calories, you will get slim. 

You are going to get skin tea on my plan, my way of eating and counting calories. If you follow these steps, okay? But if you want to look like a fit human being, as I always say, if you want to be chiseled, kind of have a little bit of muscle with definition, you are going to need that definition anyway for that fat. You want to build those muscles because that's how that back is going to look. Flat, strong, and just good. Okay? You are going to need some source of protein. And what protein does is it helps promote strong muscle build. 

Okay? It helps promote muscle build. I just said strong because when I think of muscle, I think of strong, okay? So it helps promote muscle growth, muscle build, whatever you want to call it, okay? So if you are not plant-based, you can go to any lean. I recommend lean sources of protein. If you are a plant-based eater, there are so many sources of protein. I'm talking about Tofu, Tempeh, Edamame, chickpeas, any beans, so many different things, okay? You guys can Google this stuff after your workouts. You can grab some bars that you can eat, and pop in your mouth real quick that have tons and loads of protein in it.   

You guys, if you don't know what bars to get, get you a built bar. These are so good. This one right here next to me that I had just randomly sat next to me is their lemon, almond, um, cheesecake bar. So many different bars that taste good. 20% down below if you guys want to check this out. Super good. Super high in protein. You don't want to go too crazy with the protein because your body doesn't require a whole bunch of protein, but you do want a good amount. What people do not realize, is to stay behind away from salt that is refined, just white salt that's playing in that blue little thing that you can get at Walmart or any other store. 

Stay yo behind away from that salt. You shouldn't be eating that salt. Even if you're not trying to attack back fat, even if you're not trying to lose weight, stay your behind away from that salt, okay? You do need salt. You need some high-quality pink Himalayan sea salt, some type of salt that's high quality. Uh, you do want that in your diet because it helps with minerals and different things like that. But let's attack Salt real quick, okay? What people don't realize is salt will bloat you up really bad. It will make you look ten pounds heavier than you even look in the first place. 

Those back rows that you got, it will make it look like big fat doughnuts on the back of your back. Is that what you want? No. So stay away from that salt, okay? Basically, salt just bloats you up. You only need a little bit of salt to salt the top of your food, and that's that. If you don't stay away from salt, if you don't stay away from that type of salt, the back rows ain't going nowhere. They're not going anywhere. Okay? So why are you reading this text in the first place? If you love salt more than you like getting rid of the back rows, get off this video right now, because this ain't for you. 

Okay? Okay. Now it's time for me to show you guys the workouts I did to get rid of this back fat and stomach fat. Um, now, these texts are texts I just put together myself and just made myself a customized workout plan. So, surprise, you guys are getting it, too. Getting exactly what I did to lose the fat. Now, I started off with Hit and that's high-intensity interval training, and I did that for 17 minutes. And then I went into my burnout after the Hit workout with some resistance training. And this that you guys see her doing right here, I didn't use the weight that she used. 

I just used a ten-pound weight. I didn't want to over-exert myself, but I did it on each side for 30 seconds. I would rest for about 15 seconds, 20 seconds was the max. And then I would go back and hit it again. And I did that three times over. And this is what you guys see her doing right here, I did that 50 times, and then I would rest and then do it again 50 times, and I did that three times over. This one right here was 30, depending on the resistance and how light the weights were or the resistance band, it just depends. 

And you guys do it at your own pace, but the goal is just to hit those back muscles hard, really hard, because you want that back to be chiseled. And the more chiseled that back is, the more that you have a chance at burning and blasting away that back fat. Now, this right here, this worked the arms. That is what she was doing in the chair, working the arms and probably the back, too. I don't know. I was just trying to get it in any way that I could. And these are all the exercises that I did that I just want to show you guys that I did. 

And this right here, same thing 30 times, took a break, did it over again, three times over. And that pretty much was the uniform of workouts that I was doing over and over again. Push-ups. I cannot stand push-ups, but I had to do it. I know that's a part of hitting your back, but with the push-ups, I only did 15 push-ups. Would get up, do 15 more, would get up and do 15 more. I did that three times over. But with the weights, as you guys can see here, she's doing with the weights, I was able to kind of just, like, blast through that with some light weights. 

But those push-ups, when I tell you guys, they really got me. I cannot stand them. Um, and if you do not like push-ups, don't do them if you don't want to. But these things, what I'm showing you guys is what helped blast away my back fat. And I was super diligent. I was diligent. I was dedicated because I wanted that back fat going. I literally thought I was going to have loose skin. When I tell you guys, I was like, okay, I'm going to have loose skin, and that's okay. I have to be okay with that.

 And it is what it is. I had that set in my mind. And with these workouts, the meal plan that I was on, the different things that I was doing, boom, that back fat was gone. And you guys don't have to worry. The same thing as I told you guys in the previous clips with the weights and stuff, 30, go. 30, break. 30 breaks. 30 break three times over and just move on to the next. You don't have to spend too much time on this because you will be burnt out. Now, these kettlebell swings, chow. 

Oh, my goodness. These are a killer. But they help. I don't even know. They help your whole body. The whole body. And doing these things is what got my body from this to this in 30 days. What? So you guys read his text as many times as you need to to get the workouts that are in here along with the tips. I promise you come back to this text after you follow these steps. Give yourself one month, and then let me know in the comments how it worked out for you. And as I promised you guys, I have a free gift for you guys. 

This is something you're not going to get anywhere else. Okay? Down below in the description box, there's a link that you can click that you can download your free meal plan that was created by me. There's a video along with it. If you don't know how to cook, there's a text right along with it that you can watch, that I cook the meals and break down the calories for you guys. There's a shopping list included with this download. You can download it right to your phone, print it out and have it in hand, or you can keep it on your phone and use it that way.

 So you guys go ahead and download that link and come back to this text once you guys try these steps, and I promise you it'll work. I don't even have to ask you if it's going to work. It's going to work, okay? Just be dedicated. Dedication is key. Do not rely on motivation. Rely on that discipline, because you deserve it.


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